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  • 17 August 2021
  • 6 min read

Why I’ve Decided To Study Nursing As a 45 Year Old

    • Mat Martin
    • Aubrey Hollebon
    • Richard Gill
    • Dee Appleford
  • 0
  • 6604
"I looked at different options to apply for a degree and chose to complete a foundation year as I have not studied in a number of years."

Dee explains why she wanted to become a Nurse at 45, giving her insights into the degree entry process and her take on why it’s never too late to change your career.

Topics covered in this article

I Will Start My Degree In Adult Nursing In September 2021

Why I Have Decided To Change Direction And Become A Nurse

I Used To Be A Support Worker

How I Managed To Gain Entry To A Degree

What I Did In My Foundation Year

What I Expect From My Nursing Degree

Preparing For The Next Step

I Will Start My Degree In Adult Nursing In September 2021

I have chosen to attend my local university that is on a small campus after exploring all of my different options and having not studied in many years.

Having three older children and family commitments was a major factor in considering where I am going to study.

Looking at universities one hour from home I found that the university in my hometown met all of my requirements.

Placements will be in my local area and theory at a campus ten minutes from home, which is perfect for the three year course.

You can explore the top UK Universities for Nursing here.

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Why I Have Decided To Change Direction And Become A Nurse

Interest in nursing came when my grandmother, who was a registered nurse, took me to work with her in a nursing home where I volunteered when I was a teenager.

She educated me on the history of nursing in the 1950’s and how nursing had changed over the years.

Nursing became a passion for me to achieve and finally I am in a stage in my life where I can follow my goal.

Some major changes had happened in my life in 2018 and I was ready to embrace the world as mum who worked following years of being a home maker.I dropped my son at university in September 2019 and found myself thinking I wish I could be beginning a course today.

The course that has always been in the back of mind since a teenager was nursing.

Following an emergency visit to hospital myself with Sepsis in early 2020, I received good care by one nurse and I wanted to be doing what he was doing.

He was inspirational to me and gave a person-centred experience that prompted myself to research if it was not too late for me to sign up for a career in nursing.

I Used To Be A Support Worker

I have been working alongside adults with learning disabilities and autism over the last three years.

This role is something I have enjoyed and have gained a lot of experience from.

I have had to complete a number of eLearning and training sessions to be competent and compliant.

The skills gained from this role will be transferred to my future practice, where I have become involved in care planning working alongside the service user, health professionals and families.

Gaining an understanding of medications and the reasons why medications are given for certain health conditions.

Using different methods of communication such as picture boards, Makaton and mainly listening skills.

I have found supporting a person to gain new skills has been rewarding regardless of challenges that may have presented to achieve this.

I feel the main skill I will bring to nursing practice is reflection and looking at how things can be done differently for improvement.

Though I managed to gain relevant experience in this role, it is not always necessary in order to become a Nurse.

How I Managed To Gain Entry To A Degree

I looked at different options to apply for a degree and chose to complete a foundation year as I have not studied in a number of years.

I found a course at a college linked to my chosen university that would give me the option to apply for Adult Nursing if I completed foundation year successfully.

I applied via UCAS and completed a personal statement along with a reference from my employer.

The process was easy and I soon began the course in September 2020.

Even with Covid-19 getting in the way with face to face learning, I still found the whole experience rewarding and gained an “A” overall for the foundation year.

To move on to the Adult Nursing degree I have completed and interview with the university, completed DBS and occupational health forms.

So I am now ready to begin Year one in September 2021.

What I Did In My Foundation Year

Over two semesters I have studied eight elements which have provided me with the abilities and confidence to learn at a higher level.

Learning how to prepare, present and talk about a topic to my peers, increased confidence giving presentations.

I have gained study skills enabling me to complete essays and reports to a good standard whilst also completing examinations and overcoming my fears.

Generally overall I feel this year has given me good preparation with what is to be expected of me by the university and what I expect of myself.

I realise I will be requiring good time management to achieve my degree goal whilst managing family.

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What I Expect From My Nursing Degree

I am not expecting this to be an easy journey but what journey is?

I want to be supported by my university to be the best I can be.

I am looking forward to meeting new people that includes, staff, patients and families.

I want to be able to go into practice and be confident to deliver good care following the 6 c’s.

I do not just want achieve the degree and it be the end, I want to move forward in nursing in an area that I will excel.

I know I will be proud to register with the NMC at the end, as I am proud now to have achieved the first hurdle of foundation year.

Passing the degree will allow me to become part of a healthcare role that I dreamed of when I was looking up to my grandmother all of those years ago.

Preparing For The Next Step

I keep looking at the uniform and cannot wait until I can put it on and visit my first placement.

I have pushed myself to carry on studying over the summer and have completed the eLearning the university has sent in preparation.

I have been purchasing books reading magazines and mainly practicing maths.

I receive my timetable soon and I will be able to work my family around university.

I want my three children to be proud of me and also my parents.

I realise 45 isn’t too late I have a lot to give.

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About this contributor

I am a mature Adult Nursing Student and a mum to three children. My interest in care began with working in elderly care during my teens. Having taken a career break bringing up my family I returned to care working with adults with Learning Disabilities. Remembering my dream of wanting to be a Nurse I enrolled for Adult Nursing and am excited about my next year in University and on placement. I hope to inspire others as its never too late to apply for nursing.

More by this contributor
    • Mat Martin
    • Aubrey Hollebon
    • Richard Gill
    • Dee Appleford
  • 0
  • 6604

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