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  • 09 June 2011
  • 3 min read

Top 5 things a nursing recruiter wants to see on your CV


We’ve been talking to nurse recruiters over the last two months to find out what they want to see on your nursing CV, and here’s the essential list that they’ve come up with.

We’re always striving to help nursing candidates send off the best applications they possibly can, and to encourage recruiters to respond to every nursing application they receive.

It’s a tough call because there are always people who will apply for nursing jobs despite never having trained as a nurse, which distracts a recruiter from the qualified nurses who are eligible to apply for the job.

We’ve developed filters and tools that assist recruiters to remove applicants who are not eligible to apply, which makes it easier for the right candidates to be noticed and taken seriously but if you’re applying for a nursing job you still need to send a great application to be in with a chance.

It’s no longer enough to send off the same nursing CV every time, or copy and paste the same cover letter with each application, you have to tailor every single application you send.

So here’s our guide to giving the recruiters what they need in order to see that you are a serious candidate who is eligible to apply for the job.

On your nursing CV

1. Start with your name, address, NMC pin number and contact phone numbers and email

2. Then give a clear chronological outline of your work history, starting with the most recent and including employer name, job title and dates worked

3. Give a detailed description of daily tasks undertaken including specific responsibilities

4. Give details of extra tasks undertaken in addition to your job role

5. Show evidence of CPD and in particular ENB courses or equivalents, and dates achieved

In your covering letter

1.Give a summary of why you think you are suitable for the role including recent relevant experience and professional development courses

2. Explain why you want to apply for the role and confirm that you are looking to relocate if it’s not based in your local area

3. Give details of the professional development you would hope to undertake should you be offered the position

4. Show some of your personal qualities that make you the ideal nurse for the position and back them up with evidence. You can summarise a situation where you made use of your communication skills to resolve a situation or used your attention to detail to prevent an error that could otherwise have been made.

5. Let the recruiter know when is best to contact you and whether that’s by phone or email. Most recruiters will prefer to call you about a position, so it’s worth offering a phone number with voicemail facility.

If your CV fulfils all the needs of the recruiter the requirements of the job, then it’s very likely you will be on the top of their list to contact with further details of the position.

If a recruiter does contact you by phone and you’re unavailable, always remember to return the call with 24 hours even if it’s to say you’re no longer interested.

It’s just common courtesy to keep a recruiter updated with your current situation when you’re applying for one of the positions they are recruiting for.

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I believe people working in healthcare should be able to choose to enjoy work. That is, choose an employer who reflects their values and provides them with a sustainable career. This leads to better patient care, higher retention rates and happier working lives in this most important employment sector.

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