Former Care Assistant, Claire Carmichael, outlines the role and responsibilities of a Care Assistant jobs, alongside some tips and insights from her time in the job.
Topics covered in this article
Feeding & Helping Patients To Eat
Social Activities & Pressure Area Care
Evening Meals & Wind Down Time
Getting Patients Ready For Bed
Hi, everyone, welcome back to the vlog.
My name is Claire Carmichael and I'm General Practice Nurse.
And as some of you already know, I used to be a Care Assistant.
So this video is all about what sort of things you do out there as a Care Assistant.
About this contributor
Registered Nurse
I am a Registered Nurse with over 12 years healthcare experience including: elderly care, orthopaedics, sexual health / family planning, qualified GP nurse, transgender healthcare and now in my new role as an assistant lecturer (as of Nov 2022). I believe that nursing gets a lot of bad press, so I create blogs and vlogs to help anyone considering their nursing career and to create positivity surrounding our profession as I'm so passionate about nursing.
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