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  • 17 June 2022
  • 8 min read

The NHS People Plan Is Important - Our Academy Supports It

    • Richard Gill
    • Tracie Mckelvie
    • Mat Martin
    • Laura Bosworth
  • 1
  • 2598
Graphic showing The NHS People PlanWhy backs the principle of The NHS People Plan

The Academy helps the NHS and Healthcare organisations deliver on employee support promises and increase workforce retention.

The UK's healthcare workforce is critically short-staffed and has been for a number of years.

Since the launch of The NHS Long Term Plan in January 2019, workforce has been one of its key focuses.

The NHS's goal for its workforce, rolled into The People Plan, is clear.

Taken simply as a guide for how any organisation should invest in and support its staff, it is sensible and vital.

We have a vision for how organisations can retain staff.

We have combined our vision with the simple message embedded in The People Plan to help organisations support, develop and therefore retain their workforce. Contact us to organise a call if you would like to find out more - or read about the Academy here.

We Need This Now More Than Ever

During Covid 19 “NHS England faced a workforce shortfall of over 115,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff, with projections this will double by 2025/26 and exceed 475,000 by 2033/34." (NHS SBS, 2022)

With such stark figures highlighting the scale of the NHS staffing crisis, the critical and pressing need for NHS trusts to do more to retain their existing employees is clear. - NHS SBS

Estimates from Public Health England put the cost to the NHS of staff absence due to poor health at £2.4bn a year – accounting for around £1 in every £40 of the total budget.

This figure is before the cost of agency staff to fill in gaps, as well as the cost to public health, is taken into account.

For more data on the impact of high turnover in NHS healthcare read our report.

What Is The NHS People Plan?

First published in July 2020 by NHS England, the NHS People Plan aims to explore how NHS staff can operate differently. It hopes for a "compassionate and inclusive" workforce.

Look after our people belonging in the nhs growing for the future new ways of working and delivering care

The plan sets out actions to support transformation across the NHS - from 'We Are the NHS', March 2021

The People Plan embraces another NHS vision - a set of goals for their staff experience, The People Promise:

a team

We see The People Promise as a contract between leaders, people professionals and the frontline workforce to embed shared values with the aim of raising "the experience of working in the NHS" for all staff.

A worthy and needed ambition. And not just for the NHS.

The 8 Themes of the NHS' HR & Organisational Development Vision for 2030 (published 22 November 2021) are vital intentions for any organisation that believes in the value of supporting its employees:

• Prioritising wellbeing

• Providing a great employee experience

• Ensuring inclusion and belonging

• Supporting its People Professionals

• Responding to new challenges and opportunities

• New ways of working and delivering care

• Harnessing everyone's talents

Values every organisation would agree with.

We've designed The Academy around these values.

Not just for the NHS, but all organisations that believe in the long-term support of its staff.

These solutions are for the clinical frontline workforce as well as the people professionals who support them.

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What Is The Academy?

The Academy harnesses the transformational qualities of coaching to overcome the known challenges to healthcare staff retention, and help realise the aims of organisational employee support, including the NHS People Plan.

Our Academy has been designed by a Registered Nurse and Career Coach who has 35 years nursing experience, including in the NHS - Nikki Goodhew.

Nikki is a qualified coach and extremely passionate about the immersive benefits coaching can bring to people's lives and careers.

The Academy is comprised of three in-person services are charged for. They can be taken individually, or as a package.

They are:

Coach Training Workshop

This is a CPD Certified 1 day workshop for healthcare people professionals (line managers, ward managers, nursing leads, retention and development leads etc). They will learn the principles of coaching, from the perspective of delivering it to the frontline healthcare workforce.

Staff Support Workshop

This is a CPD Certified 1 day workshop for Nurses and HCAs. The workshop is designed to show the nursing workforce how to take control over their own career development, underpinned by wellbeing. We talk about autonomy, belonging, respect, being heard and included, being recognised and showing recognition, leadership and more! The day lifts all the key moments in our CPD Certified Coaching Programme, which attendees have access to.

Clinical Career Coaching

For Nurses and HCAs. 1-2-1 sessions split over a number of weeks with our qualified coach and Registered Nurse, Nikki Goodhew. It includes our reflections - anonymised feedback to help organisations improve workforce planning. The Academy has been created to help healthcare organisations deliver on employee support promises and increase workforce retention.

Infographic showing what The Academy isThe Academy

Affordable & Scaleable

To make the benefits of the Academy as accessible as possible, we have created a range of services that cascade skills - affordably.

	CertificateCertificate No. A032650

We offer a mix of in-person clinics, in-person and virtual workshops, plus online learning tools - unique videos by 'Masterclass' experts and our CPD Certified Coaching Programme.

Contact us to find out more.

The Coach Training Workshop was conceived specifically to help NHS and other healthcare organisations bring our teaching and retention services in-house.

Our Academy is purchased by NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups, Trusts, Regional NHS ICS, Private Sector Healthcare and Care Home providers.

Who Is The Academy For?

It is aimed at two employee groups that are vital to reducing staff turnover: the frontline workforce themselves, and the people professionals that support them.

1. People Professionals

We up-skill managers, retention leads, ward nurses and other people professionals.

They will learn coaching techniques and be taught how to hold transformational career development interventions and employee support skills.

Our 1-day CPD-certified Coach Training workshop and handbook will allow them to hold positive and powerful conversations with your frontline workforce including Registered Nurses and Nursing Support staff.

2. Frontline Workforce

We offer three different services.

All three are designed to increase workforce retention, and ensure organisational staffing goals (like the NHS People Promise and other workforce visions) become instilled as a set of transformational personal values and goals.

We show employees how to take control over their future, work as a team, and overcome the known reasons for leaving.

Get In Touch To Find Out More

We'd love to tell you more. And we want to hear about your staffing needs.

To find out more, get in touch to tell us about your staffing challenges - set up a meeting with myself and Nikki today.

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About this contributor

I launched (and subsequently, and in 2008. 500 applications are made every day via our jobs boards, helping to connect hiring organisations recruiting for clinical, medical, care and support roles with specialist jobseekers. Our articles, often created by our own audience, shine a light on the career pathways in healthcare, and give a platform to ideas and opinions around their work and jobs.

More by this contributor
    • Richard Gill
    • Tracie Mckelvie
    • Mat Martin
    • Laura Bosworth
  • 1
  • 2598

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    • Tracie Mckelvie 2 years ago
      Tracie Mckelvie
    • Tracie Mckelvie
      2 years ago

      This is a really interesting article that captures my own personal, and professional outlook on workplace health and wellbeing; I ... read more

      • Thank you Tracie. I look forward to hearing from you.

        Replied by: Matt Farrah

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