In this video, Louisa answers your questions about studying midwifery!
Hey guys, welcome back to my channel Being Louisa!
So, today's video is sponsored by are an online website where you can find all things nursing, from job posts to blog posts and the midwifery section which is expanding with us.
So today's video is gonna be part one of a midwifery Q&A; I asked you guys over on Instagram and on the community section of my channel, what you guys wanted to know about midwifery.
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• How to return to professional nursing or midwifery practice after a career break
• Managing time as a midwifery student
• 5 things I wish I knew before starting midwifery
I was like, free for all, go ahead, as long as it's midwifery related!
I had well into the forties worth of questions, maybe even 50!
I think I had 30 something over on Instagram and then I had like 16 or 14 over on YouTube, so quite a few to get through.
I am making this into two parts; the second part will be coming out in August, probably August the 6th because I'm thinking about doing Veda.
So, just watch out for that video and if you're watching this after that time I will link it up there for this part two.
Is it possible to hold down a job whilst doing a degree in midwifery?
This is a two-part question but she literally did it in two different questions.
So this question is from Louisa, and it is ‘how do students support themselves on a midwifery degree? And also, as I can assume, I’m guessing your job is impossible with all placement hours?.
So yes, having a job - it's not impossible, it's pretty hard.
Most students, especially if they are from my year or lower, we all have the student finance loan unless they've already had a degree, then they have to fend for themselves!
But if this is your first degree then you get a student loan to pay for the degree itself, also you can get a maintenance loan which is your living allowance which you can get.
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Because I come from a low-income household I get the maximum living allowance, so I'm pretty chill.
I do have jobs, I get jobs wherever I can just so that I can pay off those little things that I've got to pay off but otherwise you can live really comfortably without having a job as a student midwife, if you get a good loan.
Some people do have jobs and they just manage to work their jobs and they do it, other people like myself find it kind of stressful to have a proper job, so I only do jobs where it's flexible hours that I can work.
Should I do some reading before starting my midwifery course?
This is by C Williams - ‘what reading should you do over the summer before starting first year?’
Try doing some reading.
If you're not doing an access course and you’re coming straight from A-Levels or however you're coming into it, or if you’re coming straight from another degree, try doing some reading on basic anatomy and physiology, just to get your bearings about it.
It may sound like complete gibberish when you're reading it, but when you're in lectures you'll be like ‘oh I read that word the other day’ or ‘I read that word three weeks ago’ and then you'll finally figure out what it means.
I know there's some topics where you can do your own research on it, at first it can be confusing but when someone else explains it you're like ‘okay, I got it!’ So, maybe do some anatomy and physiology reading up.
About this contributor
I'm a qualified Midwife working in a London trust. Alongside my work,I also create vlogs for my channel, Being Louisa, and for
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