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  • 03 February 2011
  • 3 min read

Kristina Ackers - RGN Care Home Nurse

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Kristina talks to us about training as nurse in Lithuania and the process of moving the UK, getting an NMC pin number and finding a nursing job here.

Can you introduce yourself, the role you’re currently working in and the kind of patients you work with?

My name is Kristina Ackers. I am an RGN and currently working in residential/care home with disabled people.

You don’t have to give the exact name, but what kind of organisation do you work for?

It is an organisation sponsored by charity.

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You originally trained as a nurse in Lithuania, what attracted you to move to the UK and register as an RGN nurse here?

I came to the UK 6 years ago because I wanted to learn language, to learn how nursing is in the UK because I heard so many good things about this country.

With several years of nursing experience behind you before coming to the UK, was it difficult to start work as a support worker in a new country?

When I first came, I worked as a support worker. It was very hard because I didn't know anything about working with people who had learning disabilities and behaviour problems. I learned everything at the same time: new country, language, job, culture etc.

During your time as a support worker, you also achieved your NVQ 3 in Health and Social Care. Did studying this course help you put your nursing experience into context within the UK healthcare system?

Yes, my nursing experience did help me to achieve the NVQ 3.Was your NVQ qualification part of the NMC requirements for registration?NVQ 3 was not requirement of the NMC registration.

Because I have worked with people with learning disabilities I just wanted to do my job as best as I could that's why I achieved NVQ 3. Studying cases and learning more helped me to become very good at my job.

What other training, if any, did they require of you before your PIN number was issued?

I have received my PIN number after I sent all my qualification and registration documents from Lithuania. I did not do any other training to get my PIN number.

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Now you’re working as an RGN, how does nursing in the UK compare to nursing in Lithuania?

In Lithuania I was working in hospital where it was very busy and sometimes mad. In the UK I am working in residential/care home and here is more calm than a hospital.

I cannot really compare it before I have worked in hospital here.You’ve had a significant amount of experience working with clients who have learning disabilities or behaviour problems.

What’s the most rewarding experience you’ve had in your career?

The most rewarding is when service user/client gets better, when they say if it's not you they wouldn't not be here, when they say that you are the highlight of the day. The most rewarding is people.

What are your nursing career ambitions for the future?

My biggest ambition is to work in hospital.

I know I am good and I just need a chance to prove it.

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I believe people working in healthcare should be able to choose to enjoy work. That is, choose an employer who reflects their values and provides them with a sustainable career. This leads to better patient care, higher retention rates and happier working lives in this most important employment sector.

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