Applying for a Nurse Educator role can get competitive, due to the rewarding nature of the job. Luckily, Carol- who has experience in a variety of nurse education settings- is here to share her top tips for becoming a Nurse Educator.
Hi everybody, my name is Carol and I'm a Recruitment & Retention Nurse Lead in Oxford.
So today have asked me to give you some key tips on how to become a Nurse Educator, which I'm very happy to do. I loved my education roles and I hope you enjoyed this video.
My Experience In Nurse Education Roles
I've been a Registered Nurse since the 1980s. I've worked in several different Nurse Educator roles over the years. Some of these roles have included more clinical-based nurse education roles, such as a Practice Development Nurse in a neurology unit, whereas other roles have been more university based, such as lecturing for nursing modules, undergraduate adult nursing modules and postgraduate master's modules in neurosciences.
I was also a Lecturer Practitioner in neurosciences, and that was more of a joint appointment between a hospital trust and a university. Sometimes you've got these education roles that are split between employers, and you've got your feet in both camps. I love that role. Working half in clinical practice and half in the university.
So firstly, I thought I'd briefly talk about what it's like as a Nurse Educator and why you might want to become a Nurse Educator. You might be looking at lots of different career pathways at the moment, and a Nurse Educator role might be just one of those options for you that you're looking at.
Nurse Educators Make A Difference
Reflecting on my own experiences across all those education roles that I've had, I can truly say nurse education is an amazing career and an amazing role. I've always remembered Nurse Teachers that supported me and Educators that made such a difference to my professional development.
I was the only person in my nursing cohort as a Student Nurse, for example, who failed their nursing finals. And I really lacked confidence when I registered. And it was only through really good clinical Nurse Educators who guided me, developed my skills, and boosted my confidence in practice, that then I was able to grow and professionally develop as a nurse.
So, one of the key reasons to become a Nurse Educator I think is that you get lots of positive feedback from others through what you do. You really feel that you're making a difference. Most of what you do is positive work, you are teaching, you're supporting others.
And it's amazing to see people move from a place where they might be really struggling in practice or with academic work or with a course or to gain a skill, to now being able to do that skill and to deal with the challenge in practice and have that confidence to pass an assignment or module all through the support that you gave that person.
So, you know that you've made that difference to that individual and it's enabled them to stay in the role. Without a Nurse Educator's input, people might not be retained in a role. You have this massive impact as a Nurse Educator.
You get lots of positive feedback through what you do. You really feel that you're making a difference. Most of what you do is positive work, you are teaching, you're supporting others.
About this contributor
Divisional Recruitment & Retention Lead
I am a Divisional Recruitment & Retention Lead at a NHS Foundation Trust, leading recruitment/retention initiatives, providing structured career advice and clinical supervision. I worked as a Registered Nurse for 35 years and as a Lecturer Practitioner for 22 years, leading 3rd year adult nursing modules and a post-graduate masters in neurosciences course. I published 2 nursing books for nurses’ career development and create vlogs to advise nurses. I’m a 4th year PhD in Nursing student.
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