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  • 17 December 2024
  • 8 min read

How to apply for your NMC PIN registration (step by step guide live video)

    • Adutwum Emmanuel
  • 2
  • 81397

We checked the details of this process on 17th Dec 2024 and the steps all still apply.

Claire applies LIVE for her NMC PIN in this video to show us exactly what newly qualified UK nurses need to do when applying for their NMC PIN.
Play video: Claire applies for her NMC PIN live in this video. Find out how to complete your NMC PIN application

Topics covered in this video

0.00 Introduction

0.36 January, at the end of my degree, NMC email inviting me to apply

1.41 How to apply for your NMC PIN - Step 1

2.28 Step 2

3.54 Step 3

5.30 Step 4 - Submit and pay £120 to register with the NMC and receive your PIN

6.08 Step 5 - NMC PIN confirmation (should take about 2 hours normally)

0.00 Introduction

Hi everyone, my name is Claire Carmichael, thank you so much for tuning in.

This is a blog all about applying for your NMC Pin because as some of you know, if you're following on my Instagram, you've seen I finally had the email, which I'm going to put here, finally had the email to register for my NMC Pin, which feels like a long, long wait, but it's finally here.

I've had to wait to do this for you all because I wanted to record it and show you, take you through the process of how to apply for your pin when it comes to that point.

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0.36 January, at the end of my degree, NMC emailed me

So just a quick brief.

So when you come to the end of your degree, you'll finish university, you'll get all your results back, you'll get your degree classification, which is the next step.

It depends very much when your exam board is.

So our exam board, even though I finished in November, our exam board wasn't until the January because there were still students making up hours on placement.

They were still doing retakes and things like that and we were still technically employed as well by the university in December.

So our exam board wasn't until January, so it's been a very long wait for me. It feels like.

So then once the exam board is done...

So in our example it was on the 9th of January.

Then we got our results and overall classification all confirmed and sent to us on the 16th of January, so a week later.

Then 24 hours later we had our emails finally from the NMC saying that we can register for our pin, which is what I got last night.

However, I was driving last night and I really wanted to do this video for you guys, so I've been waiting all night to do this to show you.

I hope you appreciate it.

1.41 How to apply for your NMC PIN - Step 1

I finally had my email from the NMC. They will send you an email to your university email.

You will follow the link in the email to register for your pin, which is what I'm doing now.

So on your email it'll give you your pin number.

So when you click the link from the email, it'll take you to this page here, which is your NMC online.

You can log in if you've already got an email and password, which we haven't because we're not registered yet or new to the NMC register.

So we're going to click that.

Then I have an NMC Pin. We have an NMC Pin because they've sent it in the email.

So on this page you have to confirm your email address, your surname, your pin, your date of birth.

Obviously I'm not going to show you this screen because that's confidentiality, so I'm just going to quickly fill it in now and then come back to the next page once I've filled it in.

2.28 Step 2

Oh, once you filled out that first page with your details, it'll take you to this next page, which is to enter your account password, which is a new password that you're going to set up and then the little exciting button, register.

So we are going to register, email...

Oh, so it's coming up email vertically verification check your emails and click on this link.

Okay, here we go. Let us check that. Oh it's there. Yes.

Welcome to NMC online. You'll use your account update and maintain your registration online.

Confirm email address, done. Log in.

So lucky for you I've saved my email and password onto my phone so I can now log in.

So now it's taken me through security setup.

It's very thorough this an NMC!

So I've just filled out the personal information on the screen that was before and continued to account.

Apply to register my qualifications.

So now it's taken me to a screen expiry date, we have validation date, renewal date, all of that qualification, registered nurse adult field.

So I'm going to click go to application.

Please indicate that you've registered and so it's now took me to this place that's just confirming all of your details basically.

Tick yes. Next.

3.54 Step 3

So the next page, which I can't show you is got all of my address details to just double check all of your details basically.

Add your mobile number, which I'm going to do now.

Let's see, I've done that.

Okay. Above qualification, is it correct? Registered nurse adult, yes.

I declare I've passed the required examination for this qualification.

Yes. I declare have successfully completed the required training for this qualification. Yes.


I declare the health and character is sufficient to enable me to practice safely in accordance with the code. Absolutely.

Get me on that register guys!

Have you received a police charge, caution or conviction other than a protected caution?

No, I've never had a caution.

Have you ever been subject to a finding that fitness practice impaired by a body responsible? No.

Never been up for a fitness practice.

I declare that I hold or will hold practice and appropriate cover. Yes.

I've got RCN cover already, it's already due to be renewed for fully qualified nurse.

Oh, please provide details of the professional that you hold. Okay.

Professional membership. So that would be Royal College of Nursing.


"The NMC is committed to promoting equality and diversity in the workplace", yep.

Please select one option that best describes your identity.

So this is just basic monitoring stuff.


Declare that you have successfully completed your course. Yes.

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5.30 Step 4 - Submit and pay £120 to register with the NMC and receive your PIN

This is the final page, I think. Thank God.

So qualification, you declared that you've completed the course, yeah.

Good character of health, yep.

You've probably declared any police charges, I haven't got anything, that's good.

You haven't been fit to practice all of that.

Declaration, is it above, is it correct? Yes.


Thank you for submitting your application.

You're required to make a fee of £120 pounds, pay now.

Finally my payment has been authorized.

It just come up with one last screen to confirm all my details so I can't show you that screen, because that's my address and everything on there, but I'm just going to have a look at the emails now.

6.08 Step 5 - NMC PIN confirmation (should take about 2 hours normally)

So I have had an email to say, "Your application has been received. What happens next?"

So they're going to process the application.

You'll receive an email to confirm that you've been registered and then you can log back on and check your status on your NMC online.

So now it's just a waiting game again by the looks of it to wait for my registration.

From what I've heard from other people, it can take anything from an hour to a few days.

Most people say within an hour or two your registration is live and you can actually see it.

I don't know because it's Saturday if that makes a difference.

I don't know or whether I'll have to wait until Monday.

Who knows? But either way, by the time you watch this video I'm going to be a registered nurse guys.

So yeah.

So that's it for me.

I just wanted to run through those things for you so that you're maybe more prepared when you come to register with the NMC.

So you've got a little bit more knowledge on what to do and how the process is because I know that's something I was asking all the time on social media and everyone was sort of like, "What do we do?"

Because no one sort of told us anything.

So I really hope that this video helps you out there and just get a little bit more prepared and sort of put you at ease and what to expect with registering online to get your pin.

So thank you so much as always for watching and I shall see you next time.

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About this contributor

I am a Registered Nurse with over 12 years healthcare experience including: elderly care, orthopaedics, sexual health / family planning, qualified GP nurse, transgender healthcare and now in my new role as an assistant lecturer (as of Nov 2022). I believe that nursing gets a lot of bad press, so I create blogs and vlogs to help anyone considering their nursing career and to create positivity surrounding our profession as I'm so passionate about nursing.

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    • Adutwum Emmanuel
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    • Navpreet Kaur one year ago
      Navpreet Kaur
    • Navpreet Kaur
      one year ago

      Hi Claire, I completed nursing top up program in uclan University, Preston . They didn't gave us NMC pin , ... read more

    • Gabriel Manole one year ago
      Gabriel Manole
    • Gabriel Manole
      one year ago

      Hi. My wife finished 5 years ago a college for general practice nurse. (3 years abroad). She never practiced. What ... read more

      • Hi :) She would need to contact the NMC to get her PIN registered in the uk which will involve sitting some extra exams. Then she can practice as a nurse in the UK once she is registered

        Replied by: Claire Carmichael

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